Plan In Action

by Brian on April 5, 2010

In our Monthly Training Newsletter, we laid out the first 4 steps of what we are going to do to make 3 passive income websites.

Maybe the websites will make us a million dollars… More realistically our goal is to make $100-200 per month per site.

If you missed our April 1st 2010 newsletter, go here and check it out.

The first step talks about picking out 3 products to sell.

With the help of Amazon and Google we’ve found our 3 products.

While you have to wait a couple of weeks to see our products and the sites… There are a couple of things we are doing right now to prepare to make our sites. If you’re following along with us, we suggest you do the same thing.

Our Sites

Our sites are going to be 4-page sites.

  1. Home Page – Product description page.
  2. Product Detail – Every detail that would be important to a prospective buyer.
  3. Product Review – This page will be up so people can leave reviews of the product.
  4. Product FAQ – Any question that comes across our minds will be written down and answered well.


We are gathering as much information as we possibly can about the products. Our goal is to have the most informative sites on the products available.

The information you gather needs to be the best information possible that pertains to the aforementioned pages.


People are visual. I know I like to see a lot of pictures of products on a site before I buy something.

Start collecting pictures of the products. There are tons of resources on the web.

Make sure you get your pictures legally and pay proper attribution when applicable.

Side Note

If you find an affiliate product that is not on Amazon and you want to promote it, go for it. We suggest Amazon because it’s very easy to find products through them.

Good Luck…

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