I’ve been silent for a while. I have tons of things going on including building 4 websites, starting a couple of new companies and possibly opening a brick & mortar store too.
With that said, I’m simply going to use this blog as an outlet for whatever I feel like talking about… AND… I’m not going to allow comments anymore because I don’t care to engage anyone in conversation.
If you don’t like what I write, there are millions of other sites on the web you can go to… So now on to my topic for today…
Gold & Silver Down, Up & All Over The Place
I believe Paper Gold & Silver are getting ready to go through the floor… There is somewhere in the neighborhood of 45x to 100x more Paper Gold & Silver than Physical Gold and Silver depending on the source. I don’t know, but what I do believe is, Paper Gold & Silver to me are 100% fiat.
When we look at Spot Prices… that is primarily a starting point for trading Paper Gold & Silver… Physical Gold & Silver trade much higher, don’t believe me, go try to buy some locally or look at ebay and see how many pieces of silver are trading over $50 an oz right now.
I think over the next few weeks we are going to see SPOT silver drop to $20-25 an oz and gold down to around $1,300-1,400 while the Eurozone implodes. The reason is, I feel everyone in Europe will be rushing to USTs and we’ll see the dollar surge… until the contagion reaches the US by I’m predicting the 2nd quarter of 2012… During that time, I think Spot Silver & Gold will hover in the low $20s & $1,300s respectively while the Physical market gains steam.
What’s really interesting to watch right now (and I feel will play a huge part in the price of precious metals and the world’s perceived value in physical) is banks are suing each other for physical gold right now and whom is supposed to have ownership. We should see rulings start happening as soon as January or February 2012… In addition, watching banks & countries stockpile gold & silver right now is crazy… China’s y-o-y gold purchasing is up 4,000%… That’s not a typo.
I’m not a financial advisor, nor am I or would I ever give financial advise, nor should anyone take anything I write on this blog seriously as I could be and probably am considered a loon by some.